I'm curious what trade-offs you looked at regarding sending state vs mutations from the server back to clients. As the server is authoritative, I imagine it could also send mutations to the clients in the order in which the server has determined parallel operations need to be resolved (and adjust mutations as needed to resolve conflicts or permissions issues). Clients would then need to rebase any pending local mutations, so that would involve more logic vs the data sent for mutations most likely being smaller than the "full" state of certain objects being updated?
I'm curious what trade-offs you looked at regarding sending state vs mutations from the server back to clients. As the server is authoritative, I imagine it could also send mutations to the clients in the order in which the server has determined parallel operations need to be resolved (and adjust mutations as needed to resolve conflicts or permissions issues). Clients would then need to rebase any pending local mutations, so that would involve more logic vs the data sent for mutations most likely being smaller than the "full" state of certain objects being updated?