Maybe this guy's work is still floating around somewhere. Here's a retro art gallery with a mix of east and west:
btw... The first one there is a NEC PC-9801VX(0/2/01/21), but the drawn model number looks more like MX (doesn't exist) or UX (look different). The notebook's single labeled dial means it's probably a PC-9801NA/C. The X68000's graphics tablet might be a Wacom UD or UD II with a stylized menu strip. Its monitor is a Sharp CZ-60(6/8)D. The misplaced indentation on the X68k's second tower is an error.
So much is out there that this gallery of someone's favorites is entirely distinct from the first one:
If you filter by platform, the Japanese PCs are FM, MSX, X68k, PC-98xx, and PC-8xxx.
self-portraits: (some modern retro-styled stuff obviously made it in)
How It's Made:
"Draw me on one of your LCD screens"
"ぜんまいちゃん" must be the first OS-girl
Incredibly, googling zenmai-chan finds posts from 2022. 1992 to 2022, that's older than the idea of memes on the internet!