> We have like endless space to colonise yet we fight for land here on earth
And yet you want so many billions of dollars in compensation in equipment to get you to your new homeland instead of just going there on your own. Why are you going to fight me to get what you consider fair compensation for your land on earth from me when I'm offering you so much on Pluto? There's so much land out there, a fair trade for your land should be near zero dollars right? After all there's nearly infinite supply! Quit being so attached to your home.
> We have like endless space to colonise yet we fight for land here on earth
And yet you want so many billions of dollars in compensation in equipment to get you to your new homeland instead of just going there on your own. Why are you going to fight me to get what you consider fair compensation for your land on earth from me when I'm offering you so much on Pluto? There's so much land out there, a fair trade for your land should be near zero dollars right? After all there's nearly infinite supply! Quit being so attached to your home.