The glass was very transparent/untinted so I'd guess they did. Inside the atriums between sections don't have any tint from the glass or at least it's not noticeable.
When my group first moved in the glass was ridiculously hard to see between the sections. It was made more confusing because the doorways had four panes of glass but only the center two panes were doors. It was easy early on to think the outermost lanes were also doors. IIRC (it's been a few years) one of the walkway runs didn't require badge access in the first few days so people could walk full speed into the doors without diverting to the badge reader on the wall.
I'm sure all of Apple Park looked amazing in AutoCAD fly-thrus or whatever but the experience in the building was kind of shitty. Some aspects were improvements over the building over off Infinite Loop but then a lot of aspects were hilariously form over function.
In terms of temperature it could get uncomfortable in the hallways and open seating areas if it was really hot outside. The shared office spaces could get stuffy and a bit oppressive if you had a lot of people or equipment in them. A couple Mac Pros running CI jobs could make a room very uncomfortable. Depending on where you were in the building you might get blinding sunlight in the afternoon.
One of the bigger problems with the building was the size, no pun intended. Despite its size space was always at a premium. Instead of nice private offices most people work in shitty bull pen "offices". Even normal offices have giant glass walls so you feel like you're in a menagerie and they're shared to boot. Of course management got single offices. If the stupid design didn't waste so much space trying to get "natural" light (supplemented by shitty low-flow electric lighting) everyone could have had real offices. The site itself is also gigantic meaning everything was a long walk away.
Getting a nice walk in is great but if you parked in the south parking structure it was a ten-ish minute walk to your car. Then another couple minutes to get to the street. It made running an errand in the middle of the day of eating off-site untenable. When it hot, smokey, or raining the walks to the parking structure really sucked.