DHH removed TS from Turbo, posted a pretty inflammatory blog post about it and then got surprised when people reacted badly to it. Classic DHH stuff really.
A significant part of that ""reacted badly"" was a bunch of kids and YouTuber idiots spamming GitHub with meaningless comments, issues and PRs. Those people don't come out of it looking respectable, regardless of DHH's approach.
There's nothing unintentional about it, it's a strategy they employ since 2006/7. They have an entire chapter about it in their first book "Getting Real"[0]:
> […] One bonus you get from having an enemy is a very clear marketing message. People are stoked by conflict. And they also understand a product by comparing it to others. With a chosen enemy, you’re feeding people a story they want to hear. Not only will they understand your product better and faster, they’ll take sides. And that’s a sure-fire way to get attention and ignite passion.