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I was referring to blog posts, for example [1], in which you admittedly use both terms in the text, but you focus more on "state-based" for example in the headline and image. You also erroneously conflate declarative migrations with somehow involving `mysqldump` for some reason? This is what I mean when I say posts like this feel like they're designed to make declarative migrations seem strange and foreign.

I realize this post is two years old, and you're understandably not going to mention a competing product like mine. But it feels like a disingenuous strawman argument to claim that declarative schema management requires `mysqldump`, considering that Skeema (my product) and SQLDef (another declarative tool) were both released in 2016 and are both widely used.

[1] https://www.bytebase.com/blog/database-version-control-state...

We stated the reality at the time of writing that migration-based approach is more common. I think that still holds true today. Meanwhile, there are more solutions introducing the state-based solution (including Bytebase itself).

>> it feels like a disingenuous strawman argument to claim that declarative schema management requires `mysqldump`

The article explicitly said it's a hybrid approach and never intended to claim this way. Otherwise, it would be an obvious mis-statement.

> We stated the reality at the time of writing that migration-based approach is more common.

Yes, and I have not disputed this at any point here.

> The article explicitly said it's a hybrid approach and never intended to claim this way. Otherwise, it would be an obvious mis-statement.

Your blog post said "State-based approach stores the desired end state of the entire schema in the code repository. For MySQL, it means to store the schema dump created by mysqldump." I think that is indeed an obvious mis-statement. It would give a casual unfamiliar reader the impression that declarative schema management somehow involves/requires mysqldump.

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