I only picked the micro because it's cheap, and AWS let me fire one up, build the config, break it, trash it, and start again, all in rapid succession.
One thing though, this configuration doesn't actually need much real CPU or disk resources - it's pretty much all memory, and as far as I know, AWS doesn't overcommit RAM. this means it should be "relatively" stable. The CPU usage is at around 5-10% even at the peak.
Personally, my own blog runs on Linode, because I think EBS is broken, but each to their own :)
I only picked the micro because it's cheap, and AWS let me fire one up, build the config, break it, trash it, and start again, all in rapid succession.
One thing though, this configuration doesn't actually need much real CPU or disk resources - it's pretty much all memory, and as far as I know, AWS doesn't overcommit RAM. this means it should be "relatively" stable. The CPU usage is at around 5-10% even at the peak.
Personally, my own blog runs on Linode, because I think EBS is broken, but each to their own :)