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Dutchman finds 18th century fortress wall in his backyard (nos.nl)
33 points by mef on Oct 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Google translate link: https://nos-nl.translate.goog/artikel/2492554-man-vindt-mete...

The guy seems to be taking it pretty well. I'd be pretty miffed if I had to surrender my back yard to an ancient stone wall.

Surrender? He now has a beautiful piece of history in his backyard. I'd sign up for that, if my backyard was big enough for that.

(I'd have to sign up for having a backyard at all, because I don't currently have one, and my front yard is just big enough for two plants.)

> I'd have to sign up for having a backyard at all, because I don't currently have one

The guy in the article doesn't really have a back yard anymore either is my point.

Having historic landmarks on your property is the ultimate white elephant gift, you own it, you pay taxes on it, but you permission to maintain it

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