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I'm not so convinced a LLM remixing all the tutorial blogs its ingested is a meaningful quality step above those tutorial blogs themselves.

Earlier this year we had a linux task that was above the normal complexity my team deals with. So a few people threw it at chatgpt and were amazed at how good the results were. In reality, it was full of outright factual inaccuracies and non-breaking bad decisions. But their skill ceiling prevented them from seeing how bad the output was.

I didn't want to be a wet blanket, so I let them have their fun and quietly guided the jr working on the resolution through an appropriate implementation.

You should point out to all of them now what the consequences would have been of blindly following the LLM. It's an important lesson they can and should learn from.

Nah dog, I'm good. I'm not young, eager and naive anymore. "Growing the team's skills" and "working towards company goals" are siren calls. I know how to swim in my own lane.

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