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Don't forget that it was then Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer who in 2001 compared Linux to cancer. If there is childish vitriol somewhere, it did start neither on HN nor on /.

Oh I know, all companies change over time and both Billy and Balmer have zero impact on the day to day operations at Microsoft.

The Microsoft today isn't the Microsoft of the 2000s.

Now I wish the same thing could be said about Google which is quickly becoming the Microsoft of the 2000s.

You keep saying that they're different, but to my old eyes you're just buying their marketing.

They still have horrible security. They are still product dumping. They're still ignoring user preferences and forcing their agenda (eg: Edge) They're worse than ever about user privacy.

I could go on. I don't like Google either, but your corporate loyalty is silly. Both can be and are terrible.

And in my eyes you're just a bitter old boomer stuck in his ways.

Security is no worse than what I see with osx. I don't use Linux because I have real work to do.

Edge is just chrome with a big blue E.

And every company product team ignores its users for monetary gain.

You really can't teach an old dog new tricks.

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