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How did you disable the LED? I mean I can disable LEDs via /proc but not in config.txt correct?


    # Disable Power LED after boot
    # Disable SD card activity led
    # Disable the ethernet LEDs - these are Pi4 specific values.
    # Look in the docs for the values for other Pi boards.
to /boot/config.txt

Thank you!

It appears to depend on firmware or kernel but for recent kernels (recent 6.1 or 6.2) activelow is no longer necessary [1]. It seems to work on CM4.

PS: my bad I disabled the LEDs via /sys not /proc previously:

> # for i in /sys/class/leds/*; do echo 0 > "$i/brightness"; done

[1] https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/1742

I've had this drive me crazy.

The required lines were different between the Pi 2 and Pi 4 I was using at the time, and the documentation was not updated (or I'd found old docs).

An exercise in trial and error.

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