"Elegance" is one of those empty words that's great for polarizing a debate without really adding any meaningful information.
Neo4j is neat and underutilized. I think rglullis is just saying, if that's why espeed used it, he could have saved three paragraphs of explanation by just saying that.
Notice I didn't just say it was elegant, I said why: "There are no tables to mess with and no joins (everything is explicitly joined)."
I find elegance in simplicity. If you don't need the tabular features of a relational database, why not use a graph DB for relational data? It's like a key value store with directly connected relationships.
This is so much simpler than having to deal with creating tables, DDLs, and migrations:
>>> g = Graph()
>>> james = g.vertices.create(name="James")
>>> julie = g.vertices.create(name="Julie")
>>> g.edges.create(james, "knows", julie)
Futhermore, there's no impedance mismatch so your code is cleaner.
But regardless, this is Hacker News where people explore, build, and share new things. I hope we're not moving to a place where that gets admonished.
I've actually looked a bit at bulbflow before, being a Python programmer who has had an interest in graph databases for quite some time. That's why I asked my question originally. Can you give an example of the types of relations you're using the DB to represent in a blog?
If you have a large blog or content system, you can use likes and views to make content recommendations using a basic Gremlin collaborative filtering query:
// calculate basic collaborative filtering for vertex with user_id
def rank_items(user_id) {
m = [:]
m.sort{a,b -> a.value <=> b.value}
return m.values()
If you use Facebook, Twitter, or GitHub to authenticate users you can easily incorporate friends and followers into the recommendations.
I was really responding to mgkimsal, who brought up elegance. I'm all for experimentation, I am not for technical debates short on technical content. Please continue.
Neo4j is neat and underutilized. I think rglullis is just saying, if that's why espeed used it, he could have saved three paragraphs of explanation by just saying that.