If Deno only suits hobbyist programmers, it's failed. To pick up steam it's going to have to pull people away from AWS and Google who already know how to use them.
As for making project's independent, so do I, but that's simple in other clouds too with infra as code or one of the various deployment frameworks (fly lets you do this, AWS copilot does this, terraform, serverless)
I think you might overestimate how much other people know about cloud infrastructure. I am very out-of-date and only vaguely know what these things do.
I looked at Fly and they have nice docs and interesting ideas, but they’re also clear that they don’t do “fully managed” databases and I don’t want to be a DBA.
I know of AWS as a huge pile of complexity that I’m not sure I want to get into? Using it directly seems too low-level for me
(I’ve used Digital Ocean and it seems more my kind of thing, but it doesn’t scale down to zero for a website that gets no traffic.)
Looking at Terraform, it’s not obviously about solving any problem I care about, and wasn’t there a huge controversy about them?
Serverless is a buzzword. Isn’t Deno sort of serverless too?
I think of Deno Deploy as a step up from Netlify, which is fine for static websites. Or maybe a reincarnation of App Engine, which I quite liked back when it launched, but it seems to have lost its way.
I do think the simplicity of deno will be a trap though. The benefit of a mature framework is you don't have to get lost in the weeds on obscure bugs or functionality with slightly niche use cases.
As for making project's independent, so do I, but that's simple in other clouds too with infra as code or one of the various deployment frameworks (fly lets you do this, AWS copilot does this, terraform, serverless)