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NPC soldiers with HTML5 orange shield are just too cute :)

And this is actually a nice little game. Buy then again, where is browserid and open badges support ?

There's no authentication here. I don't see why you would use BrowserID.

I could see using BrowserID for auth to save some kind of leaderboard on the server-side or something.

I have browserID supported on a few projects I've shipped, adoption comes down to the developers, all Mozilla can do is provide the tools.

Yes, but this is a Mozilla project, so no excuses on that one.

It is on github, you could propose a patch... Mozilla is a not-for-profit, this is a technological demo...

Mozilla are trying to push their BrowserID on the world though. A fairly popular (among devs) technological demo seems like the right place to start that; it'd show us how easy it is for users to use, and how simple it is to integrate. Not using it is a wasted opportunity.

This demo is really for HTML5, not for BrowserID. BrowserID might add an unrefined and unnecessary hurdle to the game. Then all the other platform dev's and press will say silly things like HTML5 requires BrowserID or something.

This is what I was responding to:

"... adoption comes down to the developers, all Mozilla can do is provide the tools."

I don't really care whether it has BrowserID or not. It just seemed that the parent was unaware that the game was a Mozilla project.

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