One of my daily tasks is to ssh into a remote Windows server, port forward the RDP port, connect to the local forward using remote desktop, close any dialogs about crashed drivers, open a java application that displays a KVM terminal connected to a serial port, and through the KVM control two separate devices with a series of magic key-presses to log into two accounts at the start of each day.
I automated this with Sikuli (; the ninja feeling while watching it run was awesome (now it runs before I come into the office).
Sikuli made the job perversely fun, and the entire script is less than 100 lines of python. Highly recommended for any sort of GUI automation (though watch the dependency on Java 1.6; 1.7 doesn't work).
I automated this with Sikuli (; the ninja feeling while watching it run was awesome (now it runs before I come into the office).
Sikuli made the job perversely fun, and the entire script is less than 100 lines of python. Highly recommended for any sort of GUI automation (though watch the dependency on Java 1.6; 1.7 doesn't work).