We've been coming back around to the idea it's not the sodium but the chlorine that's the problem in hypertension. Hypertension is one of those areas we like to pretend like we know what we're doing but it's half bullshit and accidental boner pills.
Also how do you tell your friend that his wife is kind of a lot and maybe his hypertension is cortisol and not congenital?
> I mean, Morton sells it as salt replacement in little salt shakers in the grocery store. It's pretty mainstream.
They also sell margarine in cute butter-like packages and sweet ‘n low or stevia in the same single-serve packets as sugar. Doesn’t mean they don’t taste absolutely foul.
> They also sell margarine in cute butter-like packages
Don't wanna call it deceiving.
People, who followed their doctors advice, and switched to margarine after a heart attack, more often had another one than those who stayed with butter.
Hm, just thought: Maybe it has to do more with the anxiety of those individuals than the trans fats in margarine. Still, i keep those plastic fats out of my body.
Not at all, it‘s disgusting. The idea of replacing NaCl with it is laughable.