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> This is what the Discord API is for. There's a really simple API to dump the chat history. Just make a cron job to dump every 10 min or so, and host that on a static site. Problem solved.

I don’t see why anyone complains about Discord user experience when you can just manually implement basic functionality that the Discord devs didn’t see fit to put in.

Why would anybody post on a forum when you could just write a custom client for Discord from scratch?

I normally don't reply to stuff like this because you are clearly arguing in bad faith. I just wanted to point out you either have failed to read my comment in context, are intentionally mischaracterizing what I said. Going from what I said to "write a custom client for Discord from scratch" has to be a joke. Also that TOS violation thing is simply not true. You are well within your rights to download the history of your own discord server.....

> I normally don't reply to stuff like this because you are clearly arguing in bad faith.

I’m not sure why you’d feel the need to come back and do a victory lap. You’ve thoroughly debunked the idea that the Discord search UX is less than stellar by pointing out that you personally built and maintain your own search UX based off of API that is both universally understood and governed by a TOS that none could possibly misinterpret.

That's kinda funny. I assume when discord wouldn't have banned all the wonderful lightweight alternative clients that existed they would only get a small portion of the hate today

What are you talking about? You can't write a custom client and the official one is closed source. Scraping chat history is also against the TOS and get get you blocked.

That’s even better. Why would anyone post on a forum when learning the minutiae of the Discord API and its strict TOS conditions in order to implement functionality that’s broken in the client while avoiding getting banned is an option? It’s a dead simple solution!

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