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"Facebook Introductions™, coming this spring 2014, gives employers a unique way to get to know candidates before hiring them. Don't worry, we don't share anything private – Introductions just allows subscribing businesses to see your Timeline as a friend would.

It's the perfect way for employers to find the best cultural fit quickly, and can even be a great conversation starter for interviews."

I really doubt it. This kinda of thing would be received very, very poorly costing Facebook users. Furthermore I don't think Facebook is in the market of selling individuals personal information, they sell aggregate information, and provide targeted ads.

People like to paint Facebook as an antagonist who is working to degrade personal privacy, but really they are acting in their own interest of making money by providing a service that people want to use. Facebook is not working against you, it also isn't working for you.

Yes, but it is in Facebook's best interest to ablate your instinct to privacy; the more you share online, the greater value Facebook is to you, and the more value you are to Facebook.

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