I mean it's pretty obvious that our current situation is already causing death and despair (droughts, wildfires, hurricanes) and this will only increase on our current trajectory.
I am not sure crashing the economy is a viable solution.
I say this because what I learned so far is that is people will start being cold and hungry then they will focus on immediate needs and that will make sure that no money will be spent on solving climate change. This is a natural instinct: you cannot think about the future if your current situation is suffering.
right, now imagine the hysteria that would come from doing that actively and intentionally to everyone on an accelerated schedule. thwarting cancer by downing a bottle of cyanide
the analogy doesn't hold for me. my mom just finished chemo the other week, and it definitely wasn't close in effect to what she'd've dealt with otherwise. she went on living her life as usual, minus some household chores