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I much prefer being warned about unused variables and explicitely having to silence those warnings on a case by case basis though - especially when refactoring (one option is to use a wrapper macro MAYBE_UNUSED(bla) macro, or GCC's __attribute__((unused)) or the C++ [[unused]], or the C23 [[maybe_unused]].

But of all those options, "(void)bla;" might actually be the least clutter (and at the same time the most compatible).

I agree that (void)bla is desirably clear, pithy and unambiguous. And I like something like this if I'm dealing with functions with more than a couple unused parameters:

    static void unused_(int x, ...) { (void)x; }
    #define unused(...) unused_(0, __VA_ARGS__)
This way you can just have one `unused(foo,bar,baz,quux);` line at the top of the function listing all unused parameters.

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