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(disclaimer - I'm the founder of infield.ai; we're software for upgrading dependencies safely, even when there are breaking changes). I spent most of last year upgrading large Rails/React apps as a consultant so I have lots of thoughts on this. In general companies are in one of two states - deep in a hole of technical debt, or in a good place and trying to stay relatively up-to-date.

Most established JS/Ruby codebases I've seen have dependency technical debt and they _know_ they're going to run into breaking changes trying to upgrade. These companies need to do the project management work to break their debt down into as many small incremental changes as they can. Any upgrade that has a breaking change gets done standalone (you need to read the changelog to figure out if there's a breaking change, you don't trust semver). Upgrades that are necessary but safe can be batched together. When you have to make code changes for breaking changes these should also get done incrementally ahead of time. Usually these changes are backwards compatible (e.g., if a deprecated method is going away in v2.0, you can switch to the new method in v1.X so you're not upgrading the package and changing your code in the same PR). Even if they're not trivially backwards compatible you can often make them so, and you should. I've done individual upgrades consisting of dozens of small pull requests. When you do it this way you don't get stuck with a long-running branch that gets abandoned, you roll back fewer deploys, and changes are easy to review.

Once you're on the latest major version of all your packages then you want to get into an ongoing cadence of dependency maintenance. Good small-medium teams tend to do a maintenance rotation where you spend ~1 day/sprint of one developer's time on this upgrade work. Here project management is also important - ideally someone is looking at CVEs, stale packages, and other indicators of package risk, reading changelogs to identify effort, and breaking out maintenance tickets. Some of these tickets will be individual package upgrades, some will be batches of safe upgrades, and some (when a new major version of a framework comes out) will get treated like the previous paragraph. Larger teams might consolidate this work in a platform engineering team, but that has its own organizational challenges.

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