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Most people don't type `ls` directly either. Aliases like `l`, `ll` and `la` are very common, in which case it really doesn't matter which tool you're using.

I've been using `exa` for years, and my aliases work regardless if it's installed or not. I just get a better UX if it is.

> Most people don't type `ls` directly either. Aliases like `l`, `ll` and `la` are very common, in which case it really doesn't matter which tool you're using.

Huh. I always use plain ls with flags and deliberately unset aliases like ll.

I guess I'm weird.

You're not alone, is saving one character worth losing the muscle-memory?

It's hardly one character. I never need the plain output of `ls` in interactive sessions.

Here are my aliases:

    if type exa >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        alias l='exa -alg --color=always --group-directories-first --git'
        alias ll='exa -aliSgh --color=always --group-directories-first --git'
        alias lt='exa -@alT --color=always --git'
        alias lr='exa -alg --sort=modified --color=always --group-directories-first --git'
        alias l='ls -alh --group-directories-first'
        alias ll='ls -al --group-directories-first'
        alias lr='ls -ltrh --group-directories-first'
I still retain `ls -ltrh` in my muscle memory, but after years of typing it, `lr` has saved me a lot of time and effort.

Aliases are not just a way to type less. They also serve as a way to define configuration. If I ever need to tweak the output for all my usage of `ls`, I can just add it to all aliases, as I've done for `--group-directories-first`.

I like ll a lot for ls -ahlF, but I do run into its absence a lot on a remote machine. At that point, I'll just set the alias though.

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