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> The markups are a function of demand and are totally normal and expected market behavior. People who complain about it are almost exclusively people who don't understand how markets work. It's tiring listening to uneducated people constantly coming through and complaining.

1. I'm not uneducated or economically illiterate.

2. A 50% markup on an economy car, even in an upgraded trim, is absurd. This is not even remotely representative of "market conditions".

3. Inflation + supply chain issues provided a pathway for greedy businesses to justify price-gouging customers. There's a difference between supply/demand driving pricing and price-gouging, and it's pretty obvious the direction this went in the car market. There's a /huge/ difference (not just in dollars, but in percentage of MSRP) between a $5k or even $10k markup and a $25k markup on a car with a $50k MSRP. This is especially absurd when you consider MSRP went up across the board due to inflation at the same time. This is dealer's just trying to get an extra slice of pie.

Maybe don't boot-lick price-gougers and learn how supply/demand /actually/ works, and consider not calling people who understand economics "uneducated".

But the rub is that people are actually paying these marked up prices...

Complain all you want about how obscene, unethical, malevolent, greedy, gouged, or deranged these sellers are, but the fact of that matter is that they are making sales at those prices. The market is indeed supporting them.

I'm sorry, but if cannot grasp that something is worth what someone will pay, you do not in fact have a good economic grasp. If nothing else, at least be pissed at the buyers who are willing to pay those prices.

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