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https://csimarket.com/Industry/industry_Profitability_Ratios... has some good data, as you see we’re talking mid to low single digits net, low teens gross. To your point, this is an increase that happened during the pandemic, interestingly.

Dealership margins, as I recall, are 10-20%, also not great.

Mfg margins have come up during the pandemic, interestingly, but historically have been very low[1]:

> While estimated aggregate industry operating profit margins are 6 to 7 percent (Exhibit 1), large variations in profitability exists across companies. For instance, some European niche, luxury companies make double-digit margins more akin to those of high-tech players, while mass-market (or value-focused) OEMs make 4 to 5 percent.

[1]: https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Industries/Automot...

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