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When it comes to privacy data handling, the term "collecting" is a very specific term that means they are directly collecting it from you, so, unless they use the term in a non standard way, that means they supposedly collect your genetic material and sexual preferences _from you_. Which, erk, but also, how?

Sexual preference and genetic material are very different from sexual activity and genetic data. These privacy polices are always very broad (not saying this is a good thing). The multitude of microphones in cars can easily accidentally (or purposefully) record sex acts. A camera to detect driver awareness (for auto cruise or sleep alarms) can detect your eye color, which could be construed as genetic data. Idk if airbags deploy based on weight on seats (i.e. less powerful for smaller people), but weight data is health data.

I'm not so pessimistic that I think the Toyota techs are swabbing your car and sending it over to 23andMe.

Plus we know that the likes of Tesla and Ring/Amazon have no qualms about having a good laugh watching your camera footage until they get caught with their pants down (perhaps literally in some cases).

Well 23andMe doesn't pay a bounty on DNA.


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