Since my word list is 4096 words, each word represents 12 bits. This means that if I use a 3 bit crc, each word can check 4 other words.
{ words: [ 'beg', 'notably', 'renew', 'curious' ], crc: [ 'joy' ] } { words: [ 'beg', 'notably', 'able', 'curious' ], crc: [ 'joy' ] } [ '100', '000', '011', '000' ] 100000010000 [ true, true, false, true ]
Since my word list is 4096 words, each word represents 12 bits. This means that if I use a 3 bit crc, each word can check 4 other words.
You can see it correctly identified that the third word is wrong. I will probably integrate something like this next time I update, although that might be a while....