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The elevation profile is great, for sure, but I meant more like...difficulty, rather than grade? I don't know the exact word to use, but sometimes you have well used, well marked trails and other times you have a "trail" that maybe gets used a few times a year and is more like a choose your own adventure with a rock cairn or two every couple hundred meters if you are lucky.

Ah, I see! I'm not sure if OSM data can have that information, but it would be great! Some kind of bushwhack out of 10 rating?

OSM does have that data, and I've noticed that mapy.cz takes it into account. There are sac_scale [1] and smoothness keys [2]

1. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:sac_scale

2. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:smoothness

sac seems a little too broad to me; most trails would be level 2 or below, without communicating much more than a simple elevation profile already gives you.

I think Komoot uses openstreetmap and is a little more hiking oriented, that might be useful to you.

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