| | Show HN: I built an open-source AI system for drones (github.com/stephansturges) | |
5 points by stephanst on Aug 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
| | Hey HN!
I just released a suite of AI models for deployment on UAV and other "overhead" devices to provide some understanding of the world below. The objective is to empower all sorts of open-source use cases around search and rescue, wildfire prevention, ground risk mitigation for flight over populated areas etc...
The neural networks are trained for a bunch of different devices from big GPUs to tiny edge AI cameras like the Luxonis OAK, with some optimised ones for Nvidia TensorRT and other cool bits and pieces too.
The main release package also includes some boilerplate code for running on your own drone images and videos, so check it out whether you have a DJI hobby drone or a massive Raytheon platform! |
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>is capable of detecting these classes of items in overhead images ranging in altitude from about 30 feet to satellite imagery
Yep, that’s the issue with YOLO algorithm, close objects, it is the reason why in a previous drone project we used SSD instead, processing a 4K realtime footage.