Or maybe, just maybe, posting a comment that is egregiously outside the guidelines of the site means that people will see it and appropriately flag it.
Not everything is political and it’s showing that that is what you immediately jumped to.
> Be kind. Don't be snarky. Converse curiously; don't cross-examine. Edit out swipes.
> Please don't use Hacker News for political or ideological battle. That tramples curiosity.
> Please don't complain about tangential annoyances—e.g. article or website formats, name collisions, or back-button breakage. They're too common to be interesting.
> Please don't comment about the voting on comments. It never does any good, and it makes boring reading.
Seeing as this service(?) is, quote, "Backed by Y Combinator" I decided being nice about it on Y Combinator isn't worth my time nor that of any readers passing by.
Not to mention websites breaking my scroll bar and disrespecting my time are so common these days they indeed really aren't interesting, which is all the more reason to call them out nicely or otherwise.
> I decided being nice about it on Y Combinator isn't worth my time nor that of any readers passing by.
That’s great and all, but the guidelines are there for a reason. Break them enough and you will eventually be banned. And once again, breaking them is a valid reason to get flagged and downvoted, whether you like it or not.
> Not to mention websites breaking my scroll bar and disrespecting my time are so common these days they indeed really aren't interesting, which is all the more reason to call them out nicely or otherwise.
The logic here really doesn’t follow. Like even remotely. If the topic isn’t interesting then your comment is even less so.
>The logic here really doesn’t follow. Like even remotely. If the topic isn’t interesting then your comment is even less so.
Not pointing out a problem means I implicitly accept them as not problems. I find the aforementioned to be problems, so I will point them out whether nicely or otherwise.
You just said it happens so often that it’s no longer interesting. If it’s not interesting, then you shouldn’t care enough to comment. Nor is your comment remotely interesting to yourself, the author, or anyone else.
Which is why there’s a whole guideline about it. Shocking, I know.
> so I will point them out whether nicely or otherwise.
And you will continue to be downvoted and flagged when your comments, which we both know are not anywhere near “nicely”, are against the guidelines.
Whether something is interesting and whether something is a problem are two different things.
The first step to addressing a problem is calling it out, which I will do because I do not appreciate websites breaking my scroll bar, among other transgressions, no matter how mundane it becomes.