I use lua when examples are in lua or when I need some "logic" (such as assigning defaults to a var and then passing that around/overriding).
And that's embedded in vimscript.
I don't really like either. VimScript has always been a horror to me, eventhough I've been using vim for some 20 years now, almost exclusively. Lua is "that thing that I should really sit down and learn. But not now, I've got stuff to finish".
What does lua -for an end user- offer that something like yaml+python cannot offer? I really won't mind setting all sorts of flags, defaults and vars from some init.yaml, and then have some init.py to handle the few places where I do need actual logic. Why was lua picked, why did vim build its own language and not move to an existing one for its config? Am I just weird for never sitting down and learning lua? Or vimscript? Or both?
Lua is faster than Python and also easier to embed in vim [1] which are both big advantages for the end user. It means fast plugins and no hassle with having the correct python version.
Why Bram build is own language and then doubled down on it with vimscript9 I don't really understand.
> Why Bram built his own language [...] I don't really understand.
What language would have you chosen in 1991 instead of creating vimscript? The vimscript language is a very natural extension[0] of Bill Joy's "ex" language, that was used in vi since 1976. The history of vimscript is not weird, it's just a fairly natural continuation of existing practices. Vimscript9 is a least-friction update for modern times.
I should have written I don't really know anything about.
According to your link scripting was only available from '98, at which point Lua and Python were already around, but then I don't know how viable that would have been. Funny you say that about ex, because I find running ex commands from vimscript the most clunky thing about it.
In my opinion the least friction for the ecosystem would have been to follow neovim and adapt Lua.
independently of vim configuration, lua is a cute general-purpose language worth learning in itself. It is much simpler than python, and the documentation is outstanding.
I use lua when examples are in lua or when I need some "logic" (such as assigning defaults to a var and then passing that around/overriding). And that's embedded in vimscript.
I don't really like either. VimScript has always been a horror to me, eventhough I've been using vim for some 20 years now, almost exclusively. Lua is "that thing that I should really sit down and learn. But not now, I've got stuff to finish".
What does lua -for an end user- offer that something like yaml+python cannot offer? I really won't mind setting all sorts of flags, defaults and vars from some init.yaml, and then have some init.py to handle the few places where I do need actual logic. Why was lua picked, why did vim build its own language and not move to an existing one for its config? Am I just weird for never sitting down and learning lua? Or vimscript? Or both?