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Resources for JavaScript Developers (accidentaltechnologist.com)
98 points by rbazinet on March 15, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

I was going to recommend http://badassjs.com/ as well. I notice someone in the comments there beat me to it but.. I'm giving the rec on HN ;-) (and I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't recommend new O'Reilly JavaScript conference taking place later this year: http://fluentconf.com/ :-))

And dailyjs.com

Noted, thanks.

Right Peter, both good resources. I wasn't aware of badassjs before, will keep that one in mind for next time for sure.

Inherited some terrible javascript from a colleague or otherwise: http://jsbeautifier.org

I should clarify, I mean terribly formatted.

Also works great for displaying JSON in a consistent way, useful for visualising and understanding object hierarchies.

http://jsonlint.com also does a great job of not only pretty-printing (valid) JSON, but also checking it for any errors.

I'm pretty much ready to go all in with JavaScript. I just need to find a good (read: cheap & easy) place to have a node server.

Heroku will also host node servers, 1 dyno for free.


They're a popular host for hubot, github's chat bot, which runs on node.


Have you looked at http://nodester.com/? It seems like a good place to start.

I had good experiences with nodejitsu & joyent - both are free for node.js still I think.

I have a node app running on linode for $20 a month. No fancy setup.

Cheap VPS from prgrmr.com is a good start.


have a look at http://www.webfaction.com/

or for an overview: http://www.lowendbox.com/

I use the MDN (#4 on the list) a lot. I only wish there was (or, I only wish I knew the name of...) a support-matrix site for javascript like there is for css (quirksmode.org). Some topics in MDN have that info, but not all (and when it does that info is very broad).

http://caniuse.com/ lists Javascript API features.

The Javascript Garden[0] is my personal favourite although it's targeted at people who already have some Javascript background.

[0] http://bonsaiden.github.com/JavaScript-Garden/

I'll definitely have to add this one to the next roundup. I wasn't aware of this one and it really looks like a valuable resource. I love sites like this that point out tips and tricks.

Lots of good stuff in there.

JavaScript Jabber has managed to get some very interesting guests, but the host is not at all experienced with JavaScript, which is pretty annoying. The JavaScript Show is better in that regard.

Understood but Chuck admits it. His guests have been top-notch and they have gone into some nice depth so I don't think it matters all that much. I expect interviews and discussions will get stronger.

great online book with interactive examples: http://eloquentjavascript.net/

Yes, didn't think of this one. It looks like a great resource to get started with JavaScript. It's nice to have it also available to read on-line.

I love the idea http://learnjs.info show how JavaScript works

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