This is a very thought provoking point and it throughly stimulated me to think deeper and through. Purpose of my website is threefold, document my own knowledge, maybe some vanity and the urge to give back something to "someone" make a better living or similar.
Things get interesting at corporate scale. There are fat VC funds, executives, board of directors and what not - making far more and far more comfortable than an individual trying to get better at their craft to put food on the table. And on top of that, you don't give me access to the product that was refined on my input.
It is like someone learning photography from my website but later taking a really masterpiece shot but asking me for money each time I want to view the photo in their studio.
Yes, it is interesting. To me, the important thing is that our labour is exploited in many more (and many more malicious) ways than making an LLM 0.000001% better, maybe (or maybe it makes it worse!). Therefore, the problem isn't the AI, it is this giant financial machine which sucks value out of all who actually produce it, no matter what tools it uses to do so.
Things get interesting at corporate scale. There are fat VC funds, executives, board of directors and what not - making far more and far more comfortable than an individual trying to get better at their craft to put food on the table. And on top of that, you don't give me access to the product that was refined on my input.
It is like someone learning photography from my website but later taking a really masterpiece shot but asking me for money each time I want to view the photo in their studio.
There are no easy answers, I concur.
Thanks for your comment though, really. :)