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> I think it was "three replications of room temperature superconductivity by X date" or something like that.

That doesn’t sound like a sufficient market resolution condition. Surely it would need to be something like “declared by specific Party X to be a room-temperature superconductor” where Party X is sufficiently trusted by all market participants.

Manifold is a funny money market, polymarket is the only one with any semblance of volume in my experience. https://polymarket.com/event/is-the-room-temp-superconductor... resolution criteria also leaves a bit to be desired imo

I was worried about that too before making the bet, but I realized I couldn't do it anyway and stopped worrying about it.

You can find the whole resolution criteria here if you want:


Thanks. And wow, that's as fuzzy as I was afraid it would be:

> ...Willing to adjust this criterion after receiving more info from relevant theorists/experimentalists...

> ...I don't intend to require that replications be published in a peer-reviewed journal... However, I do intend to wait a few weeks/months to resolve so that any pre-print can be adequately investigated...

> ...Since high Tc superconductivity is not my specific field of expertise, I'm willing to defer to a consensus of subject matter experts on whether a pre-print is convincing or not, and I am willing to contact some beyond the usual twitter personalities...

In other words, if there's any kind of gray area in the results, it's going to be whatever this person decides, whenever they want to decide it. Definitely not something I would ever put money behind.

Yeah, I was definitely concerned about losing my money to a technicality.

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