Moderation seems to be a problem. I prefer sippy cups to limb maiming traps though.
The playground next to be had a swing that was made for wheel chairs. So it was solid and had a ramp. The ramp was like a guillotine if you would get stuck under. Thank fully it was removed, but still it was there for like a year. Hopefully not removed due some accident.
It is good to remember that the bureaucrat approving that swing probably still is around and that he is coming for you.
Safety optimists are the worst. It probably comes down to lack of empathy.
For the record I have nothing against "dangerous" playground things. Just not stupid dangerous.
The playground next to be had a swing that was made for wheel chairs. So it was solid and had a ramp. The ramp was like a guillotine if you would get stuck under. Thank fully it was removed, but still it was there for like a year. Hopefully not removed due some accident.
It is good to remember that the bureaucrat approving that swing probably still is around and that he is coming for you.
Safety optimists are the worst. It probably comes down to lack of empathy.
For the record I have nothing against "dangerous" playground things. Just not stupid dangerous.