This is an article about Worlcoin, Sam Altman's pet project, and OP is sharing an anecdote about Sam Altman. Not sure why you find this so confusing, but I'll be happy to walk you through it slowly.
If someone had an anecdote about, say, interviewing at one of Elon Musk's earliest ventures, that's an Elon Musk story, especially if it tells you how the company is run.
I'd call that a story about interviewing at a venture that Elon Musk started. I certainly wouldn't call that a story about Elon Musk.
Let's be real here, this was a rather poor attempt at name dropping Sam. It also had nothing to do with Sam.
It also had nothing to do with how the company was run, which they'd really know very little about, given that it was a pre-interview. They turned the offer to continue down due to the concept, not how it was run.
If the person had described sitting down at an interview with Sam and discussing the way the company was run, then I'd call that a Sam story about how the company was run.