You create a _zone_. You name it and assign some interfaces to it. For my needs, I only assign 1 interface per zone. Then, you specify with which other zone that zone can receive traffic from. That also comes with the identification of a firewall rulesets to apply to that pair.
So, `'Zone WAN (iface eth0) <- Zone LAN (iface eth1)' => apply fw LAN-TO-WAN`
When you do that, the firewall rules become much simpler to write and maintain.
But, a best practice is to assign every zone to every other zone. This soon becomes a combinatorial nightmare. When you want to add a zone, you have to create 2xN new zone configurations and 2xN new firewall rulesets.
iptables -N eth0toeth1;
iptables -P eth0toeth1 DROP;
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -j eth0toeth1;
iptables -A eth0toeth1 -m tcp -p 80 -j ACCEPT;
# add any more rules
Or, as you say to avoid exponential combinations, just make a chain for each zone (interface) and explicitly allow specific protocols/ports to target interfaces. Zones with multiple interfaces are just multiple rules to jump to the same zone chain.
You create a _zone_. You name it and assign some interfaces to it. For my needs, I only assign 1 interface per zone. Then, you specify with which other zone that zone can receive traffic from. That also comes with the identification of a firewall rulesets to apply to that pair.
So, `'Zone WAN (iface eth0) <- Zone LAN (iface eth1)' => apply fw LAN-TO-WAN`
When you do that, the firewall rules become much simpler to write and maintain.
But, a best practice is to assign every zone to every other zone. This soon becomes a combinatorial nightmare. When you want to add a zone, you have to create 2xN new zone configurations and 2xN new firewall rulesets.