A bit off topic - I find it surprising that the animations don't work in IE9. I'd've thought that the Microsoft user base is one Apple wants to get buying Apple products, and the iPhone is a good entry point.
Well, when Mozilla and others argued that "IE9 is not a modern browser", a lot of other people laughed at them because they thought IE9 doesn't need to support "many HTML5 specs", just a "a few good ones". Now you see the consequence of that. The reality is that IE9 is still about 2 years behind in HTML5 specs adoption, and you can easily tell that from the HTML5test.com site.
Also, IE9 is still a pretty niche browser version. If they were to find an alternative for IE9, then they might as well find one for IE8, which has a much larger market share.
I wanted to watch a Garageband video (which is, in my opinion, the "killer app" of the iPad. It is the one thing Android tablets have or could even have until some future version eliminates the horrific audio latency), only it demanded that I have Quicktime. I have no interest in installing Quicktime.