Yeah, we know about CALEA and ECHELON, but there's no evidence that they were used in this case so I don't know why you're bringing it up. It sounds like conspiracy-mongering.
Hold your horses - you're trying to kill the messenger!
This is what the congressional hearings with AT&T reg. Bush Mark 2 interceptions were all about - now its all legal so no press on that anymore.
And I guess you know that what can be done will be done.
No conspiracy, standard practice - 15 years ago everybody involved into such practices would have been called a terrorist, enemy no 1 to our democratic systems now seemingly its the other way around.
Nobody is shooting the messenger. You're saying "oh noes, the government is evil! look!" where in this case, there is no evidence of that. Without inspecting every packet on the Internet, they still got this guy with something equivalent to a regular wiretap.