Maybe I'm dating myself, but it took reading these comments for me to figure out that "smol" is pronounced "small" and not "es em oh el". Only after that did I think to Google it and find the slang entry [0].
If some significant portion of the user base is as slang-ignorant as I am (for example, most who speak English as a second language!), it'd be good to support both --small and --smol for mnemonic reasons. Remembering a series of letters that have no meaning to you is much harder than remembering a word that obviously relates to what you're trying to accomplish, and if I had landed on the bun docs first I would have continued pronouncing it "es em oh el".
If some significant portion of the user base is as slang-ignorant as I am (for example, most who speak English as a second language!), it'd be good to support both --small and --smol for mnemonic reasons. Remembering a series of letters that have no meaning to you is much harder than remembering a word that obviously relates to what you're trying to accomplish, and if I had landed on the bun docs first I would have continued pronouncing it "es em oh el".