+1. To riff in this, I play competitive paintball (long story happy to elaborate)
The most key skill in this sport of paintball is communication. Among the highest circles of ability communication is understood to mean: "receiving information and repeating it until confirmed by first party"
A lot of wasted effort, needless mistakes, can be eliminated by confirming your understanding. Communication is not speaking, it is not listening, it is both at once.
> Yet, sending is easier than receiving, just as generating is easier than parsing.
Generating data is easier than generating useful data or easily comprehensible data; time spent generating good data can reduce time spent parsing it.
In a communication context, I don't think sending is necessarily easier than receiving, I think it's that we've ignored the sender's responsibilities and put the obligation on the receiver. (This should be expected when organizations reward the quantity of sent information over the quality of sent information.)
Yet, sending is easier than receiving, just as generating is easier than parsing.