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Lisp Programming on an Atari 2600 (atariage.com)
85 points by reaperducer on July 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I've been fascinated by Le Lisp (https://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/le_lisp/), a LISP developped by INRIA in France, which ran on 8080s and Z80s (not 6502).

One of its developers was Jean-Marie Hullot, who went on creating WebObjects at NeXT and inspiring Steve Jobs to create the iPhone.

Jean-Marie Hullot also created Interface Builder, initially in Le Lisp on the Macintosh then rewrote it to work with ObjectiveC for NeXT.

Here is the Lisp version Interface Builder.


That link misses out that it had been developed for Le Lisp before J-M Hullot went to ExperTelligence.

The box art with the astronaut is the cherry on this nerd sundae. Very much in keeping with the "sci-fi novel cover" aesthetic of 1970s-early 80s video game box art (including BASIC Programming).

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