> And then if you even want negation (the equivalent of some `a != b`), then which of these are correct and which are wrong?
This whole argument just seems incredibly... pedantic. You don't need to wonder which is right and wrong, if you're familiar with the DSL you'll _know_, because you write Ruby, if you're not then the first time you run the spec you'll get a nice error, and then you'll _know_.
RSpec is goddamn gold. You read far, far more code than you write. Tests (and well written Ruby) reading like English is such a velocity boost I wouldn't trade it for the world.
This whole argument just seems incredibly... pedantic. You don't need to wonder which is right and wrong, if you're familiar with the DSL you'll _know_, because you write Ruby, if you're not then the first time you run the spec you'll get a nice error, and then you'll _know_.
RSpec is goddamn gold. You read far, far more code than you write. Tests (and well written Ruby) reading like English is such a velocity boost I wouldn't trade it for the world.