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Always shocked how little effort people put into applying to jobs (twitter.com/levelsio)
3 points by lopkeny12ko on July 12, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

We the job applicants are shocked at how little effort recruiters put into evaluating our applications.

Then they have the temerity to use automated tools. So the odds are; your several hours of effort have been rejected in milliseconds by some poorly trained AI.

As a further grievance, multiple agencies will post the same contract position, but with sufficient variations to lull you into thinking that they are different jobs.

If that describes your job hunting approach I suggest finding a better technique.

If you just launch applications and resumes into the ether you can’t complain about recruiters, agencies, employers putting you in a big pile to filter through.

not shocking when you appreciate the type of experience most job applicants have - duplication at form filling, resume blackhole, automated reject. Low effort input is a rational response to low value return

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