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Except he also opened a closed issue, compromised 2 other accounts and impersonated another user, something he admits to in his blog.

Were his other actions (impersonating another user, compromising other accounts) also to demonstrate vulnerabilities or just unnecessary semi-malicious actions on his part?

They were not malicious but, imho, they crossed the line. It's not be too difficult to justify something simple like opening a closed issue but once he did things that interfered with other peoples accounts that's the point at which I feel no sympathy for for him being suspended.

Downvoted for pointing out what the OP conveniently ignores? Or downvoted for daring to even appear to go against the hivemind?

Edit: I guess that answers that question. As pointed out in other threads the response to this has shown that HN is no different to other sites and not in a good way. I wasn't even being critical in my original comment but the very suggestion of dissent against the mainstream response is deemed non-conforming enough to warrant anonymous downvoting. That 'hivemind' mentality is the reason I left Reddit. At least others have pointed out this more eloquently than I in relation to this incident.

I downvoted you for trying to make a big deal about opening a closed issue. That's one of the weakest arguments I've ever seen.

If you actually read my comments you would see I say the exact opposite- that's it's easy to justify opening the issue. My original comment just highlighted the fact the parent conveniently left out details, simplifying the narrative intentionally in my opinion.

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