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Canada is pretty much fine with drugs, as well as California

Yes, and our opioid situation is just super, nothing to see here!

Do you think that's down to availability, or down to a lack of support and education?

It's certainly not a problem with education. Nobody in this country can claim they were never told that drugs are bad.


No amount of education will stop people from getting hooked on drugs. You are ridiculous if you earnestly believe otherwise. People know drugs are bad for you, and do drugs anyway because their life is fucked up for other reasons and they've become self-destructive, seeking short-term pleasure even though they know it will come with long-term pain. If you want to solve this, you need to lift people up and fix their lives before they ever sink that far in the first place.

>pigheaded craven

Blow it out your ass.

Blow it out yours first. The words you have written come from a place of utmost ignorance. You are mistaking your own opinions and values for information. Again, "drugs are bad for you" is not information. It is not something to be known. It is an opinion, a value to have. You have addressed none of my points and instead merely relayed more of your own ramblings.

Do you know how hard it is to actually attain a meaningful education on the topic? I quite enjoy many substances, many of them federally legal. I am addicted to nicotine and currently quitting. That is the only substance I am addicted to. Your words do not hold true for me nor for many of my friends. It does hold true for some of my family, whom I do believe could have been helped much earlier had they been availed of crucial information that would have helped them make an informed decision.

But no, you do not get to act like the reasonable man here. You have taken a stance based on your own ignorance, painting over entire groups with the wide brush of your disgust and being better-than. A pigheaded craven, indeed.

It's not fine, it's horrifying.

Recently moved from Vancouver to London. I’ve had enough with the drugs issues there.

Spotted the Non-Canadian...

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