It probably helps whenever you deal with officials. Doing graphical things with computer (computer games?) vs. participating in something recognized by UNESCO as cultural heritage. That should open some doors, if you are planning to do an event or course around it.
Yeah but which officials? The demoscene doesn't really need permission for anything. That’s almost a cultural value.
I organized a few demoparties back in the day and it’s really just, rent a place where loud music is ok, get people to come. Lots to plan and arrange ofc, but nothing that needs permission or money from bobos.
Maybe the bigger parties like Revision can use this to get permits etc but I think all things considered it won’t have a major impact on anything tangible. It’s just cool, recognition.
It doesn't hurt to have something like UNESCO legitimizing the medium. I've attended a few demo parties (US), some were hosted at unis, all were organized by youths, and it's never been trivial to get permission to use the facilities. Especially when the intent is inviting dozens to hundreds of total strangers for a long-weekend sleepover ostensibly to program for two-three days straight.