I've found a combination of picocss (or similar), a webserver with some templating (like handlebars) and as much server side rendering as possible pretty simple, and pretty easy to use, so far.
For example, one could use rust with some webserver and handlebars-rs to do this. You can add databases to this, and whatever else you need, and it works nicely. If you want to change anything, its very vanilla html, css, javascript, or rust/c++/nodejs/whatever else.
No new frameworks to learn, and you decide the structure.
For example, one could use rust with some webserver and handlebars-rs to do this. You can add databases to this, and whatever else you need, and it works nicely. If you want to change anything, its very vanilla html, css, javascript, or rust/c++/nodejs/whatever else.
No new frameworks to learn, and you decide the structure.