It’s not racist to assume giant ballon structures sent over your secure sites by a country with 500 nuclear weapons pointed at you and a whole military complex devoted to war with you, might be spying. It’s pretty crazy to just assume they aren’t.
- "A whole military complex devoted to war with you"
This is peak western propaganda.
We literally have a massive naval presence conducting the world's largest military exercises off their coast, practicing invading them in the South China Sea and ROK - a state that wouldn't exist had we not invaded china's ally the DPRK, leveling their cities, killing 1/5 the population, installing a dictator, and maintaining full operational control of their military in the event that we decide to invade them again or invade China.
On top of that we've got tons of strategic military installations surrounding them, we even spent trillions and sent our people to die for more strategic advantage in Afghanistan. The US has shown that we're the real aggressors time and time again with the media's constant hostile rhetoric, and the very real military conquests we've conducted around the world, killing millions, overthrowing or assassinating democratically elected leaders, and installing dictators in countless nations across the globe.
Swap the names for 10 seconds, substitute Korea for Mexico, China has fleets in the Caribbean and bases in Canada, they conduct the world's largest exercise in the gulf practicing how to war with and invade the US, they've successfully toppled countless governments and popular uprisings. And now they're saying your weather balloon is a spy balloon and your country's military is devoted to war with them.
Look at the historical context, and you'll realize how hypocritical and obvious the US's hostility, fear mongering, and propaganda towards China is. It's seriously the same rinse and repeat recipe we've used for every one of our thinly veiled imperialist conquests.
I would argue that quite the opposite is the case. I'm sorry we disagree on such a basic level. My argument: weather balloons exist and have for decades; US authorities knew right away there was no spying equipment,because they had access to the craft, and mislead the public; US authorities lied about the weather balloon flying directly above an important US military base; the pentagon just admitted there was no spying equipment; we are also now ignoring the 5 other incidents of accusations of spying-by-balloon and shooting down of objects that followed.
I just reread your comment. You believe China has a "whole military complex devoted to war with the US". I would be very interested in where you got these ideas?