Yeah, we are buying these substandard and dangerous products and putting them in our bodies.
They ship generic drugs to the US. The FDA is the regulator. And their regulatory system is terrible. They run extremely infrequent checks, they give months of notice before they do so, and they still manage to find horrific safety violations.
Instead of constant checks that would find small things, they discover a mess every time. This time they found everything you could possibly imagine: incorrect drugs, impure drugs, falsified tests, engineers overriding safety software when it reported impurities, incorrect amounts with falsified reports, etc.
They ship generic drugs to the US. The FDA is the regulator. And their regulatory system is terrible. They run extremely infrequent checks, they give months of notice before they do so, and they still manage to find horrific safety violations.
Instead of constant checks that would find small things, they discover a mess every time. This time they found everything you could possibly imagine: incorrect drugs, impure drugs, falsified tests, engineers overriding safety software when it reported impurities, incorrect amounts with falsified reports, etc.