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A lot of macOS behavior can be toggled by modifying the system component defaults.

For example, turn off autohiding of the Dock from commandline:

  defaults write com.apple.dock "autohide" -bool "false" && killall Dock
Include the date in screenshots you take:

  defaults write com.apple.screencapture "include-date" -bool "true"
Here is handy website which documents many of the defaults and their purpose: https://macos-defaults.com/#%F0%9F%99%8B-what-s-a-defaults-c...

https://github.com/zcutlip/prefsniff can be handy for figuring this stuff out, you start it up, change a setting, and it reports the plist differences to you

Pretty cool tool it looks like. Gonna try using this. Also has good resources in the README.

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